Russ Horn – Forex Strategy Master | Available Now !


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Russ Horn – Forex Strategy Master | INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD !From the mind of the greatest Forex trader of our time comes the fastest and easiest way to make money in the Forex market likely ever conceived…Full time traders, part time traders, beginners and hedge fund managers are calling it the easiest, least complicated, safest and fastest way to amass wealth trading Forex you will likely ever find.How radically simplifying how you trade the market can make you much more profitable and greatly lower your risk immediately.How to remove the stress that often accompanies trading.How to grow your profits by trading the “Lazy Way”.Here, at long last, is a remarkably easy and effective wealth building system for those of us who DON’T want to spend hours upon hours trading the market.Forex Strategy Master is truly a Forex trader’s dream come true. The simplest and surest way to make money consistently trading Forex that I am aware of.It will fundamentally change how you trade in a way that could quickly, and almost effortlessly, give you the wealth and freedom you desire.Live TradeRuss Horn Quick Trade $4,400.00Hi, my name is Russ Horn…I have spent the last 13 years helping other traders become profitable in a market that most will tell you is a tough one to master. I have taught thousands of traders how to master trading Forex over the past 13 years, have enjoyed every minute of it, and feel it an honor to have been able to do so.“Russ Has Taught Over 6750 People How To TradeForex Properly And Profitably And Is Probably TheMost Respected And Trusted AdvisorIn All Of Forex.”More importantly, I have listened as traders vented their frustrations with what was available in the way of systems that actually worked for busy people. Most people do not have hours to spend learning a complicated system that then requires even more hours to trade.You have probably heard the statistic that some 95% of Forex traders fail. That’s simply not true. They give up.Here’s the sad part, it’s not their fault. They simply don’t have the time to learn a complicated system.I Have Solved That Problem…That’s why I have decided to share the first Forex system based entirely on the real needs, wants, desires, struggles, frustrations and cries for help from thousands of everyday traders, like you, spanning these past 13 years.I did this by listening to what you really wanted in a system. Sure, we all want to be profitable when we trade. But I was surprised to learn that there was much more you all hoped for and they were all the same things I was looking for in a system.For example, every trader has his or her own unique personality and style. I’m sure you do.The problem with every system outthere is they are “one size fits all” andI wanted a system that was flexibleand would work for anyone.The Forex Master Strategy is customizable to fit every trader’s “style” while still providing clear, concise and easy to follow rules for each and every trade you place. There are 4 different unique ways to trade the system, with many possible variations on each.There is a strategy for every kind of trader… thissystem can work for anyone and everyone.It is the culmination of everything I have learned about trading the Forex market for profit over the past 13 years. Spending countless hours talking with other traders, from beginners to hedge fund managers. Investing thousands of hours and dollars in testing different strategies. And I must confess I knew some failures along the way.This system is my legacy and my gift to the entire Forex community. It is not only the most consistently profitable system for trading Forex in existence in my opinion, it is also the easiest to learn and to trade.“I have always known deep down that themost accurate and profitable system Iever would create, would likely be thesimplest also, and it is.”You are going to love this part, so pay attention…Easy to trade.Much more mechanical than other systems, no need for lots of interpretation.No need to study trend lines, market conditions or support and resistance.Works on any time frame.Can work for anyone.You see a signal, you take the trade. (And it generates a ton of them, you’ll always be able to find a good setup.)You will see more good setups every day than you could have seen with any other system.4 different types of trades that make almost anything the market does profitable, when you know what to do.The unique way the system filters trades out means more high probability trades, more often.Identifies the trend with the accuracy of an atomic clock.I am seeing an 80% win rate.The best part is that with all this simplicity, you are going to seeyour ability to profit soar through the roof. You will be tradingwith a confidence you have never known before.Live TradeRuss Horn Power Trade $3,922.00Can you remember a time when youremotions got in the way and you were afraidto take a trade? I have stripped away all theelements that can make you hesitant to take atrade that you should.In a nutshell, it is easy to understand and easy to trade…Big Confession Time…I have spent all this time, energy and money developing this deadly accurate money making strategy for purely selfish reasons.Let me explain…I, unlike the thousands of so called “traders” who are just product marketers in disguise, make my living, feed my family, and will send my kids to college with 100% of the income I make from trading. Yes I do get a small cut of the systems I create, but it is a fraction of what I earn trading. I just toss it into my trading account.When I create a new system it’s to make me more money trading. If I release it to the public, you can be assured of two things…It makes money.It is the exact system I am trading with and the only one.Live TradeRuss Horn Power Trade $1,954.00The Lazy Man’s Way ToForex Riches…As you read the rest of this letter you will discover a method where you could literally be in a trade within twenty minutes of getting your hands on this system, using something called “The Lazy Trader,” and that trade will more than likely make you more money, more often, than anything you are presently doing.Now I realize that may be difficult to believe, but I assure you once you see how the lazy trader works, you will see how even with a purely mechanical system, there are still ways to set it and forget it and come back to find you’ve made a nice profit. This is not a robot, a trade assistant or an EA. It’s a deadly accurate way of trading unlike anything you will have seen. If you are a busy person, you are going to love the Lazy Trader.You place an entry order, a stop loss, and you don’t even have to look at your screen again for 24 hours. You will have a trade most every day and will be astonished by how many of them are big winners.Live TradeRuss Horn Lazy Trade$12,578.00It Could Substantially Grow Your AccountEach And Every Month In Far Less TimeThan You Are Currently TradingThe Lazy Trade is one of my greatest accomplishments and it took a massive amount of time and effort to perfect it. It will astonish you with how it makes you money even if you are away from your computer all day. Keep in mind, this is not automation of any kind, it’s 100% mechanical trading done in a way no one has ever done it before.You ever seen one of those bread machines where in the morning you just dump in all the ingredients and just set the timer? It mixes them, kneads the bread, lets it rise and then bakes it. You come home to hot, fresh, homemade bread.It’s kind of like that, except this “bread” is the kind you can buy stuff with.That’s just one of the many ways you can trade the Forex Strategy Master, all of which are fast and simple to learn, extremely low risk, and have the greatest probability of creating consistently profitable months of any system I have ever seen.Live TradeRuss Horn Power Trade $1,525.00So why share this new system?I suppose I have spent as much time talking with traders as anyone. While I know many who make very good livings trading, the majority seem to struggle to be profitable. A great many of them even lose and eventually just give up.The ones that are fighters, who know the truth, which I will share with you in a second, just want something that works better, faster. That’s what I wanted and is why I built this system.The Amazing Huge Advantage You Have Over The Big Bank And Hedge Fund Guys…Although most traders believe they are at the mercy of the large banks and funds. The truth is that we have a distinct edge over them.We can take advantage of their momentum. We are not at their mercy, we are cleverly “riding their coat tails.” The fact is that many of the currencies being traded are not even being traded for profit.They are being traded because some big corporation just needs Euros instead of Dollars to meet a payroll, or make a large purchase.The competition to make money is not asfierce as most would have you to believe.It’s not the Zero-Sum game that the marketers would have you believe, where one person has to lose for the other to win.Most go into Forex thinking they will be wealthy in a month. That is a lie told by marketers to get you to give them your money. It’s never going to happen. The truth however, is that Forex can make you very rich.And it can do it faster than most anything else I know of, except maybe winning the lottery. But it won’t happen in a month or even three.Yes you can start making money within 20 minutes of getting this system if you just read up on the Lazy Trade… but getting “rich” will take a bit of time and practice.Live TradeRuss Horn Power Trade $1,200.00Trading Forex is building a business. Build it right, you will succeed, build it wrong and you will fail.I’m about to show you how to build it right and do it in the blink of an eye. Then over time you can build that business into an empire and you could become as wealthy as you want to be. The sky is the limit.The Secret Ingredient ThatPractically Guarantees YourSuccess…I am not going to just send you your box of DVD’s, trading manual, cheat sheets and say good luck with that. If you have worked with me in the past then you know there is much more to a Russ Horn system than the system…I will personally work with you in the privatemember’s area to not only teach youeverything there is to know about trading thesystem, but also everything I know abouttrading Forex that has allowed me to live theawesome and enviable lifestyle of a full timetrader for over a decade.How can I be so confident that I can make you a successful Forex trader? Because I have done it before, many times, with people from every walk of life.Ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you the two things that get me fired up and excited are trading and helping other traders succeed.In a moment I will tell you all about the member’s area and you will see why everything you have at your fingertips today, will make it really hard to fail.I Knew It Had To Be Possible To Make ASystem That Really Could Double An AccountEach And Every Month And I Think This One IsFully Capable Of Doing That.I know you see systems that claim to have doubled an account in a month all the time. Anyone can come up with one good month. But none I’ve seen can do it consistently. I believe this one can.Before I tell you about the system, let me tell you why I spent this much time and energy creating it.This trading system was built to be simple, effective, easy to trade and to create wealth fairly quickly. All things that I wanted.This may shock you but I want to get even richer and I want to do it sooner than later.But here’s the thing…I Hope Everyone Who Trades ThisSystem Is Able To Double TheirTrading Account Every Month.Of course this isn’t going to happen for everyone, it may not happen for anyone… but I sure hope it does. Nothing would make me happier than seeing you become wealthy fast and knowing I helped you get there.Live TradeWesley Govender Quick Trade $1,200.00Now if you know me, then you know that I am a pretty laid back guy. I detest hype. But I must confess, I am probably coming across a bit that way in this letter. I just can’t contain my excitement about this system. It is the system I had always hoped I could create.As you are reading this and seeing just how vastly different, simple, yet highly profitable it is, I’m sure you are getting excited as well.You Don’t Realize It Yet, But You Are About ToOpen A Door That Will Reveal Things AboutYour Ability To Make Money That Up UntilNow You Would Have Thought Impossible.I’m about to show you ways of trading Forex that fly in the face of everything you have ever heard. Forex doesn’t have to be hard to be profitable.You are about to discover the truth about Forex trading. A truth that will go against everything you have been told up until now. With the knowledge you are about to gain, trading Forex, and making money doing so, will become simpler, faster and easier than you ever dreamed possible.Hard to believe? I am not asking that you believe anything just yet, you have every right to be skeptical. But as you read this entire letter you will begin to understand that trading Forex, and making a good living, is not as difficult as you have been led to believe.By the time you are finished devouring the nuggets of wisdom I am going to share with you in the pages that follow, you will know what to do to become instantly and forever profitable trading Forex.Forex Lie #1…That trading has to be difficult, and that most traders are destined to lose.Not so my friend, and in this letter I will explain why that is…So Get Comfortable And I Will Show YouHow To Make Trading, And Making A TonOf Money Doing So, Easier Than AnyoneWants You To Believe It Is.When it comes to trading Forex, I’ve been around the block a time or two. I have been making an exceptional living trading for well over a decade.But more importantly, I have taught thousands of others how to do the same. But this is much bigger and more important than just learning how to trade.This is about how to make trading simple and still be highly profitable. I know you have heard that before, but this system is unlike anything you have ever seen before.It is so revolutionary, yet basic, that you will feel like you’ve learned some great ancient trading secret that has up until now, been withheld from you.Live TradeRuss Horn Quick Trade $1,200.00Forex is plagued with misconceptions. It’s these “untruths” that make it almost impossible for the average trader to make it work.The “marketers” who have never traded successfully a day in their lives have been prying on us.Like hungry vampires just looking to suck our bank account dry, all along telling us that they will fill it with gold. They are liars, cheats and con men.And we line up with credit card in hand hoping that we have finally found the holy grail, a “push the button and forget it” way to trade.Well they are not 100% wrong…Before we talk about the system itself, I want to tell you about what makes this profit machine tick.It uses a combination of several indicators, all on one chart, that when combined, find perfect setups and profitable trades more accurately and frequently than anything I know of that has come before it.One of which, The QTI or Quick Trend Index Indicator, has never been seen anywhere before, and is amazing.I developed it exclusively for this system and it is the secret behind the Forex Strategy Master’s ability to determine the trend with an accuracy never before possible.The QTI when combined with the other indicators, makes this system the most dead on accurate method for entering profitable trades likely ever conceived.When you see how this works you will feel like all the mysteries surrounding being consistently profitable, month after month, will have been solved and the curtain on how to make money easily and constantly will have been lifted.It’s not complicated, just accurate. That’s how things should be.DVD 1DVD 1: The BasicsIf you are new to Forex you will want to start here. In DVD 1, I introduce you to FOREX trading, including all the basic elements that make it possible for millions of people around the world to make millions of currency trades-some worth BILLIONS (yes, BILLIONS) of dollars-every single day.How was one currency trader in New York City able to make a BILLION dollars shorting the pound sterling?The reason is, he had an incredibly solid grasp on the principles we’re going to be talking about in DVD one.Here’s What’s Covered In DVD 1…You’ll learn what, exactly, FOREX is, What makes FOREX different from a stock market and why many traders prefer to trade FOREX exclusively (Hint: It has as much to do with the freedom and flexibility of a “be your own boss” lifestyle, as with the millions a year that good FOREX traders make.)You’ll learn how to buy and sell in the FOREX market. Before you can apply advanced, Jedi-style trading magic to turn chump change into millions, you first need to learn the basics.You’ll learn why FOREX offers much greater profit potential on the upside compared to the stock market (Hint: There’s a good reason the world’s first ever “billion-dollar-in-a-day” trade was done in FOREX, and NOT in stocks!)You’ll learn what a currency PAIR is, and the EASIEST ways to make money trading one currency’s movement against another.Once you’ve got all the basics down, you’ll learn how traders make money in the FOREX market. These are the 10-Figure-Net-Value-Secrets of FOREX Market superstars and billionaires, and they’re actually surprisingly easy to replicate once you understand a few simple principles.You’ll discover the difference between technical analysis and fundamental analysis; why charting is widely considered one of the easiest ways for new traders to catch on, and start making mega bucks quick WITHOUT having to pore through archaic financial statements.You’ll learn about trade durations; why the length of time you take to execute a trade can play a huge role in what kind of results you get (Hint: Sometimes, shorter time trades can actually make you WAY MORE MONEY, MORE EASILY!)You’ll learn about margin, and why trading on borrowed money can both amplify your gains AND your losses. Find out how to use margin to your BENEFIT, so you’re RAKING IN the big bucks instead of OWING them!These are the basic, fundamental principles that EVERY FOREX trader needs to know and understand. Once you master the concepts in DVD 1, you will have a fundamental base of knowledge that will guide you going forward into more advanced lessons.DVD 2DVD 2: Reading ChartsDVD 2 of Forex Strategy Master introduces you to the basics of technical analysis; in other words, the art of how to read charts so you can kill the averages and make money that most traders wouldn’t even dare DREAM of.For many traders, chart reading is the basic ‘core’ of how they make a living. Although it’s important to be aware of economic and fundamental news, nearly everything you need to know about trading the Forex Strate


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