Intro to NFTs, Web3, & Crypto — Create an NFT For Sale
About This Class
Mainstream media is full of interesting stories about NFTs, Web3, & Crypto, but few prepare you for the future in a practical way. As Old IT Guy, I provide easy-to-understand (and implement) so that you will be better prepared for these technologies as they become every-day parts of our lives.
These topics are really quite simple when broken down to their basic parts.
In only a few hours, YOU will be able to impressively converse with friends, family, and business associates about the future of online life. There will be follow-on courses for more comprehensive understandings.
Please remember that NOW is not the time to MAKE money…now is the time to GET READY to make money. The world economy is too unpredictable for most of us to INVEST. Now is the time to LEARN, so that when the economy turns around, you have the tools and the understanding to take advantage.
If you’d like a primer on CryptoCurrency, we’ve provided just the basics in a lesson after the project lessons. Finally, don’t miss the last lesson where the “Latest News…on NFTs / Web3 / Crypto” — as of the end of Nov2022.
Lessons in This Class
1. 1 Overview 11 26
4:13 -
2. 2 Tools You Need 26Nov
2:40 -
3. 3 Explain NFTs
7:13 -
4. 3b web terms 26Nov2022
3:10 -
5. 4 beginner guide NFTs
4:53 -
6. 5 1 Project Intro
1:44 -
7. 5 2 Coinbase account
8:19 -
8. 5 3 DALLE account create image
3:48 -
9. 5 4 Connect walletl
2:48 -
10. 5 5 Post on OpenSea
5:28 -
11. 5 6 Top NFT sites
4:02 -
12. 6 Future Web3
3:59 -
13. 7 NFTs expanded
4:37 -
14. 8 Basic Cryptocurrency
6:14 -
15. 9 Conclusion
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