Alphashark – Elliott Wave Rules and Observations
Learn the Elliott Wave Rules and Observations that allow serious traders to understand Long, Medium and Short Trend directions.
Then how to use this information within a special Elliott Wave Hacker trading strategy using exclusive Elliott Wave Tools designed for thinkorswim by our ex institutional trader.
You will also learn important trading entry techniques to Swing Trade the highest probability wave in the Elliott Wave sequence.
So whether your scalping, day-trading, intra-day trading or swing trading, this Elliott Wave Hacker Suite for TOS will be the Game Changing Suite for thinkorswim users.
This first of its kind workshop features four hours of intense focus on Elliott Wave Theory with Trading and Entry Strategies using this exclusive Elliott Wave Hacker indicator Suite for thinkorswim.
What You’ll Learn In Elliott Wave Rules and Observations?
- How to use the Elliott Wave Hacker suite to understand the BIG PICTURE
- Learn to Drill Down through different time-frames using Elliott Wave counts to be able to trade Long, Medium and Short term trading opportunities
- Exclusive access to an Elliott Wave Swing Trading Strategy used by Institutional Traders
- Bonus Elliott Wave Oscillator with bar count
- Exclusive access to 6/4 MA high and low for Elliott Wave entry and trade management
- Learn how to Localise Elliott Wave counts on different time-frames
About Instructor
Andrew Keene is President & CEO of AlphaShark Trading, which he originally founded as in 2011. Previously, Andrew Keene worked as a proprietary trader at the Chicago Board Options Exchange. He began his career in the prestigious Botta Capital ‘clerk-to-trade’ program, and would eventually co-found KATL Group.
Andrew currently actively trades futures, equity options currency pairs, and commodities. He is a regular guest market commentator on such networks as Bloomberg TV, CNBC, and Fox Business.
Keene’s first love will always be trading, but he is arguably even more well known for building a trading room. Andrew is especially proud of having taught his personal strategies to over 50,000 students over the past 4 years.
In 2015, Andrew began appearing as a regular guest on CNBC’s Trading Nation, where he focuses on educating viewers on equity options markets and the trading insights they provide. You can also find Andrew’s contributions at Nadex and Money Show.
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