Desire To Trade – Trading Strategy Playbook 2.0 Course



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Learn The Strategies That Make Me A Full-Time Trading Income


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9 proven trading strategies that can get you profitable in as quick as 30-60 days!


Here’s something I realized lately…

Good trading strategies are hard to find these days…

A few years back, you could pick up a book and find stuff that’s profitable.

These days most of the strategies online haven’t been tested and would make any trader fail instantly.

Most traders are left on their own trying to find something that works.

In fact, more and more new traders ask me for strategies they can use.

And I decided it was time to put something out there that would help traders for years to come.

This is why I created the Trading Strategy Playbook.

It’s a way for you to learn all the strategies I’ve used successfully in my 10 years of trading.

It’s made for Forex traders on the beginner level who want to get profitable quickly without creating their own strategy from scratch.

It’s also for those who can’t get profitable trading on their own and want to use simple & proven ways to trade consistently.

More specifically, I’ll help you become a profitable trader in 30-60 days by mastering a couple of strategies that once you’re good can be traded in less than 1-5 hrs a week.

All this without doing a bunch of backtesting yourself, having to come up with your own rules, or following unreliable signals…

You’ll be responsible for trading the strategies I’ve fully created.

We will show you exactly how they work… so you can day trade or swing trade like a pro trader even when you’re not at the charts.

The returns you make with these strategies will entirely depend on your account balance and risk tolerance.

You can customize them to match your goals.

But even someone extremely careful could get these strategies running and collect a decent profit every quarter.

Here’s what this can look like:

With a bit of practice, you can stop relying on your own analysis & discipline and trust you will enter the right trades at the right time…

All you gotta do is follow the checklists we give you to enter the trades… and you’re very likely to do well.

At first, you’ll learn the strategy rules so you can build your confidence. Then you can pick which strategy you wanna trade & build a portfolio that will last your entire trading career.

Once you’re able to see those small & consistent gains every month…

Things can scale up pretty fast.


Many of my students got great results after learning one or more of the strategies part of the Playbook.

Like Jason who made $2,711.15 in his first month using one of the strategies we taught him!

Or Jiansen, who quickly built up a positive equity curve day trading our Tokyo Session Breakout strategy… and has made a little over $2,500!

Or Samuel, to whom I’ve taught a handful of my strategies. He was then able to turn his trading around and eventually moved to Bali while trading full-time.

These are just a few of the people who used my “Trading Strategy Playbook” to produce a big change by relying on proven strategies anyone can understand.

But while the money is great… it’s the FREEDOM to do whatever you want in the day that’s the real treasure.


So, I’m looking for a maximum of 50 determined Forex traders with a full-time job or business like Jason, Jiansen, and Samuel who want to trade my playbook to become profitable in as little as 30-60 days.

What will we do together?

You’ll learn how to trade 9 trading strategies my team and I developed over the past 10 years.

Again, these can last you for decades to come!

You’ll also discover how to systematically trade without emotions no matter how you feel or what you want to do that day.

Then, you’ll be coached through scaling up your trading business… with your new playbook of strategies.

There’s nothing fancy about it, but…

In as little as 30-60 days… you could be able to live on your own terms and make an extra $1k, $3k or even $5k/mo too.

Even while you’re out on the beach or living your best life!



Typically when traders struggle to make a consistent income trading, it’s usually because they don’t have a proven & tested strategy.

But even if you have a good process, it’s tough to execute it consistently when you have all these other ‘life commitments’.


There are 2 main things holding most people back from actually making good money in trading:

1. Not Having A Strategy Playbook

Because any trading strategy will eventually hit a drawdown and a lot of traders will get discouraged.

What really helps is having a handful of strategies that complement each other. We’ll teach you 9 and you’ll pick which ones to use.

The other thing stopping them is…

2. Not Finding Good Strategies To Trade

Whether you spent hours reading books or watching YouTube videos, you’ll realize good strategies are hard to come by. And often they’re the result of years of learning from the market and adapting the strategy to it.

That will be a thing of the past because you’ll get the strategies my team and I traded live for 10+ years.


In short…

You’re gonna learn to trade my 9 best trading strategies that can make you profitable in as little as 30-60 days… and realistically scale up to a full-time trading career.

It works even if you’re new to Forex, have never traded profitably before, or don’t like backtesting…

I don’t know how often I’ll open spots to join the program…

Because I want to make sure people who get their hands on the playbook get profitable results quickly.

So it would be great if you could join us.

And here’s what happens if you get started today:

You’ll get immediate access to the trading strategy playbook video course online, as well as the Slack community for support.

INCLUDING: a step-by-step checklist for trading each of the 9 strategies, which you can print and get started with right away.

You’ll save a lot of time instead of coming up with your own rules.

You’ll minimize mistakes by having all the entry/exit criteria in front of you.

All that time trying to find a good strategy online is also gone!

Think about how that’s going to remove the frustration from trying strategies & techniques that don’t even work in the first place.

And you won’t feel drained from having to look at your trades in loss every day.

If anything, I’m confident you’ll feel a lot more energized once you start seeing the momentum from the Trading Strategy Playbook.

Here’s a quick preview of the 9 strategies we teach in the program:

Swing Trading | Trend Following

Forex, CFDs, Stocks, Futures, Cryptos

Day Trading | Trend Following

Forex, Indices

Day Trading | Trend Following

Forex, Futures, Indices, Crypto

Day Trading | Reversal

Stocks, Futures

Swing Trading | Reversal

Forex, CFDs, Stocks, Futures, Crypto

Swing Trading | Reversal

Forex, Indices, Stocks, Futures, Crypt0

Swing Trading | Reversal

Forex, Indices

Day Trading | Trend Following


Swing Trading | Trend Following



Well plain and simple, we’ve got skin in the game on this.

The playbook contains the exact same strategies my team and I have been trading for over 10 years.

We teamed up to teach you 9 live tested trading strategies we use to:

  • Trade a fund worth over US $6M
  • Travel the world while paying our hotel bills & more from trading profits.
  • Help our coaching students make anywhere from 2% to 18% a month.

But I know nothing is as important as live results from our Trading Strategy Playbook so…


Before I show you the stats of parts of our Trading Strategy Playbook, there’s one thing I must point out.

You’ll be able to see what makes this playbook different from all other programs out there.

Maybe you tried buying strategy courses in the past… only to have it lose money consistently after a few months.

So this leaves the question: “Why do so many strategies fail?”

The answer is simple: they’re unreplicable.

Most people who look for strategies want a straight-no drawdown equity curve.

And the trading “gurus” know this… showing off strategies they know never worked.

Or that the trader will have a hard time replicating because it’s too complicated.

I don’t know of any strategy that has no drawdown.

But that’s not how it looks when you scroll online 🙂

So if you’ve failed trying to trade “profitable” strategies in the past, know that it isn’t your fault.

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